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Category: Home Insurance

The Difference Between Homeowners Insurance and a Home Warranty

Owning a home means a lot of responsibility – when something goes wrong, you are on the hook for repairs. If you have a new home, you may also have a home warranty – but what a warranty covers and what homeowners insurance covers are two very different things.  Home Warranty Coverage  According to the Federal Trade Commission’s […] The post The Difference Between Homeowners Insurance and a...

Three Home Improvements that Could Lower Your Insurance Premium 

A Florida home can be the most significant purchase you will ever make. The insurance you carry on your home can have a major impact on how you withstand a weather catastrophe or burst pipe. Is your home adequately protected?  For comprehensive homeowners insurance that provides superior coverage for your belongings and your home, premiums can be substantial. This is especially true in the state […] The post Three Home Improvements that Could Lower Your...

Florida Lightning Safety Week

June 23-30 is Florida Lightning Safety Awareness Week. Here is some great information from the National Weather Service about lightning and safety. Lightning: What You Need to Know NO PLACE outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area!! If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you. When you hear thunder, immediately move to safe shelter: a substantial building with electricity or plumbing or an...