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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

RVers: Mother Nature can rain on your trip, but not ruin it

RVers: Mother Nature can rain on your trip, but not ruin it

“A little rain never hurt anyone.” Try telling that to a family whose RV roof was damaged during a nasty storm. The right RV insurance coverage, though, can help turn things around quickly—and salvage your trip—by: • Paying for your food, hotel and transportation costs (up to $750).  • Covering the cost to return your RV home, if it’s unsafe to be driven or towed....

Rate Suckers are real, and only Snapshot® can stop them

You might not know it (63% of those we surveyed didn’t), but you’re paying more for car insurance because of others’ bad driving habits. They’re called Rate Suckers, and they’re everywhere: Behind the wheel for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Out to play at the strangest hours. Slamming. On. Their. Brakes. Constantly. Only Snapshot saves you!  It sets you apart, so you can take back the...

Rate Suckers are real, and only Snapshot® can stop them

Rate Suckers are real, and only Snapshot® can stop them

You might not know it (63% of those we surveyed didn’t), but you’re paying more for car insurance because of others’ bad driving habits. They’re called Rate Suckers, and they’re everywhere: Behind the wheel for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Out to play at the strangest hours. Slamming. On. Their. Brakes. Constantly. Only Snapshot saves you!  It sets you apart, so you can take back the...

Settle “best driver” debates with a new app

Settle “best driver” debates with a new app

Are you the best driver around? Do you have more skills behind the wheel than your friends? Want to prove you’re a better driver than your significant other? Find out how your driving stacks up with Snapshot for iPhone®. This new app is based on Snapshot®, a Progressive program that gives you a personalized car insurance rate based on how you drive. With the app,...

Settle “best driver” debates with a new app

Settle “best driver” debates with a new app

Are you the best driver around? Do you have more skills behind the wheel than your friends? Want to prove you’re a better driver than your significant other? Find out how your driving stacks up with Snapshot for iPhone®. This new app is based on Snapshot®, a Progressive program that gives you a personalized car insurance rate based on how you drive. With the app,...